Hi, I'm Fahad Joman!
Senior Radiologic Specialist / Programmer
Experienced and motivated Senior MRI Technologist and Programmer, committed to excellence in MRI, Radiology, and Healthcare. Skilled in delivering innovative solutions, continuous learning, and professional development. Passionate about education, public awareness, and community engagement through impactful campaigns and volunteer work.
MSc Neuroimaging
Bangor University, Wales, United Kingdom - 2019 - 2020
I hold a Master’s degree in Neuroimaging with Grade: Distinction
BSc Radiological Sciences
Al-Ghad International Health Sciences Colleges, Medina, KSA - 2011 - 2016
I hold a Bachelor’s degree in Radiologic Technology/Science
Professional Accreditation
Saudi Commission for Health Specialties. (Saudi Arabia) - Dec 2016 - Present
Professional license to work as a Senior Specialist in Radiological Technology.
English Language
Centre of English Studies & Emerald Cultural Institute (Ireland) - Sep 2017 - April 2019
Intensive English course in Ireland, Centre of English Studies – Dublin. (Sep 2017 – Aug 2018)
Intensive IELTS course in Ireland, Emerald Cultural Institute – Dublin. (Aug 2018 – April 2019)
Senior MRI Technologist
King Salman Medical City (KSMC), Medina, Saudi Arabia - Nov 2021 – Present
Working for the ministry of health as a senior technologist in the MRI unit at Main Hospital, KAMC.
MRI Supervisor
King Salman Medical City (KSMC), Medina, Saudi Arabia - Jan 2023 – Jan 2024
Worked for the ministry of health as a senior technologist in the MRI unit at Main Hospital, KAMC.
Project Membership
Supercomputing Wales, Bangor, UK - Oct 2020 – Present
a member in a pre-processing MRI project through Super Computing Wales which offers powerful computing facilities for high-profile science and innovation projects within the SCW consortium universities – Cardiff University, Swansea University, Bangor University and Aberystwyth University in North Wales, United Kingdom.
MRI Researcher
Bangor Imaging Unit, Bangor University, UK - Jan 2020 – Oct 2020
Worked on MRI machines and in the Imaging Research Center at Bangor Imaging Unit during my master’s degree. My work was within the framework of research and in analyzing MRI and fMRI data (NIfTI & DICOM) as well as dealing with various types of Neuroimaging tools.
Annan Volunteer Group, Dublin, Republic of Ireland - March 2018 - Current
I decided to join the Annan Volunteer Group which was established in Dublin by a group of ambitious youth who continuously seek to help those in need while also organizing patient visits within the local hospitals, as well as organizing volunteer campaigns to help promote love and tolerance.
(PSM) Design & Web Hosting
Founder and Director of the Company - Sep 2010 - Current
Near the end of 2010, I worked extensively to establish PSM, which is an online company that provides its clients with design and hosting services. Since the development of PSM my skills have contribute to many positions within the company such as designing and developing.
Professional Skills
Comunication 90%
Leadership 92%
Confidence 91%
Computer literacy
Windows System 93%
Microsoft Office 90%
Programming 94%
Adobe Photoshop 92%
Adobe illustrator 85%
Coding sites 90%
Skills & Other Interests
Computing and IT
– Experienced in fMRI data processing (GLM, group analysis) and predictive modeling.
– Skilled in analyzing MRI/fMRI data (NIfTI, DICOM) and various neuroimaging techniques.
– Proficient in Linux/Windows terminal scripting and task management via SSH.
– Coding expertise in Python, MATLAB, PHP, VB, and VBA.
– Skilled in graphic design (brochures, logos) using Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator CC.
– Proficient in Windows OS, Microsoft Office, and web development.
– Experienced in programming and web development.
Soft Skills
Problem Solving, Critical Thinking, Responsibility, Communication, Teamwork and Flexibility.
Other Interests & Passions
– Volunteering in charitable events to help others and promote positivity.
– Traveling, exploring nature, hiking, cycling, and experiencing new cultures.
– Reading and immersing in books that bring stories to life.
Medina, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
(UK) +44 7464 133559 (KSA) +966564323136